mardi 23 mars 2010

Spring is here and so are more parties !

Hello again Friends!

Thanks for according my blog another 5 minutes of your time. I am honored and wowed!

The offical first day of Spring has come and our balcony and window box tulips and daffodils are in full dress. Wonderful to see.

This morning we had 8 kids for an extra long and extra special English Club. We reviewed vocab for colors and forms, expanded some vocab for pets and added some for farm animals. Then we put many of those words to use coloring eggs for Spring and Easter. It went amazingly well, was calm and no one left colored like an egg themselves! As I try to serve some goodies from America as snack for each English Club time, today I served some Lifesaver Jellybeans and Whopper Robin's eggs (that friends Rita and Ranita brought over for us). Both sweets were a great hit!

After lunch, most of my family got a short nap in as we're either recovering from or are fighting some sort of "bug". Today Joel came down with the high fever/ fatigue "bug" that Emma had on Discovery Class. He sat down on the couch to rest and zonked out about 30 minutes ago. Please pray we all get well soon!

I'm taking a quick pause in the picking-up-and-cleaning-up frenzy while my dear Hubby vacuums. We're having a Mom's night tonight in our home with 6-10 neighborhood moms coming for an international buffet. Each is invited to bring a dish and dance/song from their country/region to share. I'm planning on getting past the cleaning/hidding the junk stage to the making it look pretty for women stage soon. Making my mom's homemade chili, ranch dip and chips, icecream and maybe rootbeer if it's still good (pop does store well, doesn't it?). Hoping and praying all will turn out and be a blessing to these moms/ friends, and that as many as possible can come.

Al and the kids will be cloistered in the back, aiming at bedtime while I dust off the mascara tube, fancy myself and welcome the moms, without their kids. Have had the crazy song in my head, "Well it's ladies' night, and the feelings right. Yes it's ladies' night, oh what a night..." in my head lately! Anyway, on with the day.

Well, there it is. The rest of our day's plan. Hope you have a great rest of your day and thanks for reading!

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